Meditation: Chapter - 2

Meditation:  Chapter -2

Meditation is an ancient tradition, but, practiced in all cultures all over the world, to create a sense of calm and inner harmony. Meditation is more about changing consciousness, finding awareness, achieving peace and more over knowing thyself.

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Meditation is what, is always with us and within us. We are  performing meditation daily and we are unaware of it. But, we don't know which type of meditation it is. Sleeping is a kind of meditation and there is difference ie., by awake or alert. Sleeping what we do during day or night, everyday is a typical unconscious meditation.

By harnessing the potential of our quantum self, we can understand our potential and purpose in this world. This knowledge is essential if wish to be effective leaders. True meditation is not possible without practicing good discipline and developing a good characters.
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Sleep meditation is also called Yoga Nidra which in Sanskrit, means sleep. It is often used to achieve a relaxed mind and a body holistically.

Though it helps us to relax, makes us free from tiredness is not considered to be conscious meditation, which has limited kind of benefit. Whatever happens without our knowledge, without conscious are having less importance. 

Osho once said about his disciple: One disciple asked to Osho, "Sir, may i smoke while meditating?" and Osho said no. And the other disciple asked the same but with twist: "May i meditate while smoking?" Osho said yes and praised him at the same. Means, meditation is not separated from daily activities of our life.

Some people transform walking into meditation. Mediation is a state of mind that brings us peace, alertness, clarity, success, health and bliss and these are always part of us. By practicing or by neglecting meditative process we may achieve success or failure, happiness or unhappiness. Consciousness or alertness during certain time itself will turn into meditation. 

In Eighteenth Chapter of Holy Bhagavad Gita, explains about the SATTVIC character. In Sanskrit, SATTVIC means righteousness, which is character of harmony and purity, and radiates peace and happiness. Sattvic character offers selfless service and has high level of emotional intelligence without this high level of emotional intelligence, we cannot attain a true meditative state.

In the waking state, the mind, intellect, memory and ego all function to some extent. In the meditative state, the mind, which receives input from the senses, goes completely underground. Ego becomes inactive, at the same time intellect and concentration enhances.

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By practicing, we can bring meditative state to our body achieve some benefits viz., reducing stress, tension, depression, fatigueness, angry, fear etc., We can bring self and inner potentials by meditation. 
As we got many worldly problems around us, which makes us difficult to achieve meditative state. 

Hence, it is very difficult to be in meditative state always. The meditation is the great force within us which is sufficient to do right things at right time, which helps to solve our maximum problems. Mediation, is essential to achieve spiritual developments by recalling our divine love.

All of our sages, saints, sufis, siddhas, and Budhas have meditated. They achieved enlightenment through meditation only.
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Lord Buddha attained his enlightenment through meditation under the Bodhi tree called vipasana and achieved his wisdom and spirituality. Once Buddha was asked that, "What have you gained from Meditation?". Buddha replied: "Nothing! However, Buddha said, let me tell you what i lost: Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Insecurity, Fear of Old Age, and Death"

Benefits of meditation
  • Achieving a new approach on stressful situations.
  • practicing skills to control stress.
  • Enhancing self-awareness.
  • Focusing on the present.
  • Controlling over negative emotions.
  • Increasing imagination and creativity.
  • Increasing patience and tolerance.
  • Controls anxiety.
  • Promotes emotional health
  • Lengthens span of attention 
  • Reduces age-related memory loss.
  • Helps to control and to overcome from addictions.

Now lets calm down..................... close your eyes........................feel your breath.......................... Recall your best happy moments of your life..................or chant some mantra............................. or think around the possible solutions for typical problem............................................................. say "I Will Take 100% Responsibility For Everything".................................................................. lets say "ALL IS WELL"................................................ say loudly "Every Problem Has Its Own Type Of A Specific Solution"........................................

Then lets go for it....😊

                 Video source: YouTube:Peder.B.Helland- SunnyMorning


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